* NOT in preferential order! (please note that some pumpkins may be incorrectly credited or unidentified due to shoddy record keeping and time passed...if you see a mistake email judges@bewear.com and we will hastily correct the error.)
"Conventional Pumpkin" Barbara & Kristina Webster
"Starry Night"
'Becca Masin
"2 Ghosts"
The Berk Family
"Rocky mountain High"
Brielle and Mora
"Sun + Moon"
Bobby Glick
"Flag/Peace" Chase & Scot Jaffe
(is that peace or mercedes?)
Jake & Sharon Radell with Raphael Brito
"Zig-Zag Mouth"
Jacob Steig
"The Evil One"
Kenny Steig
"Lion Safari"
Liebling & Osman kids with Orit.
"Brain Snack"
Mahlsin Saade
"Bad Vamp"
Manny Diaz
Olga Carballo
"Osama's Incision"
Peter, Josh, Lucas, & Stephen
"Night Cat"
Raphael Brito
"Picasso Pumpkin"
Robert Kaufman
(former champion)